Paranormal |
Monroe Institute, The - TMI, founded by Robert Monroe, out-of-body book author and inventor of Hemi-Sync audio technology, pioneers consciousness research, exploration, training, and applications with binaural beat sound.
Active-Stream: The Story Tellers - A collection of short stories and essays focusing upon the paranormal phenomena.
Alien Perspectives - Site directory to the paranormal.
The Angel Festival - Annual event in Glendale, CA.
The Aphrodisiac's Zine - Exploration of known and proported aphrodisiacs from around the world. Montly updates. Questions answered. Suggestions reviewed for research and publication.
Art Bell Transcript Heaven - News and some transcripts from the Art Bell Show.
The Benandanti Fellowship - Benandanti leave their bodies at night to struggle with Malendanti for the sake of the Harvest and to keep safe the paths of the Dead.
Beyond The Galaxy - From here, you can take excursions into the next millennium, beyond our galaxy, back through time to science fiction, folklore, mysticism, ancient ways, UFO visitations, ghosts, tarot, I Ching, astrology, other occult arts and eastern philosophies and parapsychology and hauntings.
Daily News - Daily news in topics ranging from the paranormal to politics.
The Diamond Centre for Research into the Unknown - This site has two aims: to encourage development of a non- mathematical Theory of Everything, and to publish selected contributions on site questions for the lifetime of the site.
Discount Paranormal Resources - Books and resources at low discounted prices.
The Home Of De Mania - A page about me, Goa/Techno, and paranormal subjects
Incarnations - How to find out about your past life.
ITC Journal - Journal on Instrumental Transcommunication
Journey into the Unknown - This site contains my own paranormal experiences as well as a chance for readers to post their own stories.
Life Is So Strange - For anyone who is interested in anything weird. Read strange stories about ghosts, aliens, and Bigfoot.
Michigan Paranormal - Paranormal activity in Michigan.
The Midknight Club - research organization and publication house for religion, metaphysics, philosophy, new age, supernatural, unknown, etc.
Mind's Eye Paranormal Experiences Forum - A message board dedicated to discussing paranormal and psychic experiences.
Modern Mysteries - Modern mysteries is a site about ancient and modern phenomenon, most of them unexplained, such as Stonehenge, UFO s and paranormal phenomenon
Monstrous - The central place for all creatures and monsters in this world and the other worlds. Includes aliens, vampires, and demons.
The Moonlit Road - A gateway into the dark and mysterious corners of the American South.
Mysteries - Encyclopaedia Of The Unexplained - Aliens, UFO's, Cryptozoology, Ghosts, Possession and many more unexplained mysteries - with photographs, videos and audio.
Mysterious Places - Explore sacred sites and ancient civilizations.
Mythix - A site designed for those who are not fully fledged in any paranormal area.
The National Society of Paranormal Phenomenon - dedicated to the research of the strange, unusual, and bizarre.
The new science of spiritual Neurology - New university research in brain science offers new ihformation in reincarnation, deja vu, altered states, near-death experiences, consciousness, the psychology of spiritual transformation and more. Free downloads related to psychology.
The Official Lincolnbusters Homepage - The Official page of the only paranormal Lincoln investigators and extermanators on the net.
Origin of Common Superstitions - If you are overly superstitious, find out why you are!
OuterNexus - Paranormal information database. Examines each paranormal event.
The Paradox Paranormal Research Team - Scientific investigations into all facets of the Paranormal.
Paranormal Files - Explores the mysterious realms of the paranormal through case files, television, books and films.
Paranormal Links Web Ring - Sites related to ghosts, near death experiences, psychics, astrology, UFO-related, angels, spirit guides, The X-files, or anything unexplained are welcomed here.
Paranormal News - News, articles, and documents of the paranormal. Gathered and updated daily.
Paranormal News - Reports on all genuine paranormal phenomena.
Paranormal Phenomena and the Unexplained - Site includes information on ghosts, UFO's, Roswell, and other paranormal topics, includes a haunted places index, pictures, true paranormal experiences, a form to submit your experiences, a web poll, and more.
Paranormal Pub - Chilling, true stories of the paranormal and the unexplained.
Paranormal Radio - Paranormal radio stations streaming live over the internet - Paranormal information, paranormal discussions and other paranormal offerings
ParaNorml News Network - Paranormal news and directory portal
ParaSeek - Search engine for paranormal-related queries.
Project Supernatural - Information, links, and discussion boards on topics such as ghosts, UFOs, hauntings, Area 51, cryptozoology, alien abductions, government conspiracies, premonitions/predictions, vampires and out-of-body experiences.
Promoting Research Into Human Understanding and Potential - Anomalog is intended to be a public vehicle for the exploration of what the real world is like beyond the confusion, the noise of modern society.
Psi-Hunters - I am A cryptozoologist and have added paranormal Pictures/video's. Everything from bigfoot to UFO's and Rods.
Psychic Investigator - The history of psychic research and the occult. Contains separate pathways for both believer and skeptical accounts of psychic phenomena.
PsyZone - A Conjuror Examines the Case for the Paranormal.
Real Unsolved Mysteries - Thousands of real unsolved mysteries submitted by real people around the world. Read, add and comment about these stories.
Reincarnations - How to find out about your past life.
Remote Viewing Instructional Services, Inc. - Information about remote viewing and training in remote viewing by one a veteran of the government's Star Gate program.
The Shadowlands: Mysteries and the Unexplained - Numerous areas of the supernatural world are covered in detail. Topics range from Bigfoot to the Jersey Devil, to sea serpents and lake monsters, to Spring Heeled Jack.
Shawn's Paranormal Web Page - Pictures & Info about BigFoots, Ufo, Loch Ness Monster and Ghosts
Stairways of the Mind - The Stairways of the Mind started out representing that area of my mind which housed the esoteric. But as all things evolve, this page has turned into a resource page for a wide variety of topics, both esoteric & mundane (real life.)
Subconscious Perception - Submit, share & view great stories, dreams & experiences, and premonitions.
UFO's, Paranormal, Out of Body Experiences - A quick look at my personal paranormal experiences with links to some top sites on UFOs and paranormal with pictures to download.
Under the Bridge - A collection of true stories and pictures of ghosts, ufos, mysterious creatures and other paranormal phenomena from around the world.
Under the Bridge - Stories of the Paranormal - A site dedicated to the collection of true stories and pictures of ghosts, UFOs, mysterious creatures and other paranormal events.
The Unexplainable - Personal homepage about an individual's endeavors into the paranormal.
The Unexplained Site - Detailed information and media on various paranormal subjects.
Universal Connections - Canadian Representative for GeoTran - a personal growth tool using sacred geometry and numeric language to correct and heal mis-information in your energy field.
The Unknown TV Series hosted by Regis Philbin - Video made available to the public; Regis Philbin hosts legendary psychic phenomena TV show "The Unknown" probing reincarnation, meditation, voodoo. Quicktime movie.
Unsolved Mysteries - Suite - This site explores the unsolved mysteries of the past and present, from the legendary unsolved case of Jack the Ripper to notorious Nessie in the deep waters of Scotland. - Investigation and Discussion about the Paranormal.
Winged Wolf's Parazoology Site - An attempt at spirit taxonomy, with information on living human energy workers and astral projection.
The 'X' Zone Radio Show - Canada's Paranormal Radio Show hosted by Rob McConnell is a place where people dare to believe and dare to be heard on Newstalk 610 CKTB.
Directories |
Zerotime's Paranormal Links - Includes many paranormal topics. Some areas explored are; Poltergeists/Ghosts, UFO/Aliens, Cryptozoology, vampires, werewolves, zombies, the occult, mysterious creatures, new age.
Anomalies - A database of paranormal and allegedly paranormal events, objects, and people.
Anomalist Links - A directory covering numerous paranormal topics. Some subjects which are explored are; alien abduction, ancient astronauts, astrology, Bigfoot, crop circles, to remote viewing and edge science.
Bunny's Cool Paranormal Links - A guide to some general paranormal pages; which include UFOs, Bigfoot, ghosts, aliens, crop circles, chupacabra. Offers an award for excellence.
Dark Side of the Net: Paranormal Links - Database which deals with paranormal research, investigations, hauntings, ghost stories, ghost photos, chupacabra, the swamp ape, and other related areas.
Death and Beyond - Paranormal search engine dealing with all aspects of life after death. Including ghosts and near death experiences.
The Haunted Realm - Ghost stories, photos, haunted places, and organizations. Numerous links to ghostly and paranormal sites.
Island Foundry Switchboard - Directory to web sites related to UFOs and the paranormal world, and some unusual and strange things on the Web.
J and T's Paranormal Links - UFOs, ghosts, government cover-ups, alternative healing, Bigfoot, Blair Witch, Dudleytown, and other general paranormal related subjects. Add your site if you'd like.
Middletown Thrall Libraries - Links to the Paranormal - Annotated links to paranormal web sites with complemental print sources.
New Age Web Works - Alchemy, altered states, astrology, crop circles, UFOs, tarot, myths, occult, and other related new age and paranormal subjects.
ParaLinks - A collection mainly focusing on the areas of cryptozoology, ghosts, UFOs, aliens, Atlantis, prophets, and psychics.
Paranormal Borderline - Full of information and instructions on how to perform or use; ouija boards, astral projection, telepathy, automatic writing, aura reading. Contains links and state by state listings to psychics, ufo/ghost clubs, paranormal websites, and related web rings. Includes a book list, message board, and a chat area.
Paranormal Links Web Ring - Including ghosts, near death experiences, psychics, astrology, UFOs, angels, spirit guides, the X-files, or anything else unexplained.
Paranormal Parlor at CuriOddities - Astrology, ghosts, hauntings, vampires, parapsychology, aliens, and UFOs.
The Paranormal Underground - Deals with paranormal, extraterrestrial, spiritual, occult, and other supernatural subjects.
Paraweb Online - Large database of paranormal web sites which focus on aliens, conspiracy, strange creatures, ghosts, haunted places, psychics, ufos, and other odd topics.
Rival UK - Research of spook lights, ghost lights, ball lightning, UFOs, and geophysical meteors.
Shadow Secrets - Topics cover many aspects of the paranormal and new age world. Some areas which are explored are; occult, metaphysical, ghosts, hauntings, angels, aliens and UFOs, near death and out of body experiences.
The Spirit Search Directory - A spiritual, metaphysical and paranormal search directory of resources. Also includes a weekly horoscope, global events calendar and regular features.
A Strange Thing or Two from World Famous Links - Paranormal and strange happenings; such as ball lightning, the Bermuda Triangle, Bigfoot, crop circles, wild men, and anomalies.
Strange Times - UFO folklore, pictures, photos, SETI, government involvement. Ghosts, hauntings, stories. Witchcraft related web pages.
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