
Global Consciousness Project - Presents scientifically rigorous experiments on global consciousness' effects on Random Event Generators, coordinated by Roger Nelson's team at Princeton.

Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research - "To pursue rigorous scientific study of the interaction of human consciousness with sensitive physical devices, systems, and processes common to contemporary engineering practice." (Since their methods are extremely rigorous, they are perhaps even less open to criticism than other psi research methods.) Amazing results!

Consciousness Research Laboratory - "Conducts scientific research on commonly-reported human experiences traditionally called psychic (psi for short). CRL concentrates on controlled laboratory studies of mind-matter interaction phenomena, distant healing intention, clairvoyance, and precognition."

Explore Parapsychology - Introduction to parapsychology, glossary of terms, an on-line psychic experiment, psychic stunts, links, and recommended books.

JREF Challenge - An offer of $1,000,000 to anyone that can demonstrate paranormal abilities under laboratory conditions.

Koestler Parapsychology Unit - Department of Psychology, University of Edinburgh. Information and online experiments.

Nature's Mind: The Quantum Hologram - Article by Edgar Mitchell, concerning the links between unexplained phenomena and modern physics, especially quantum theory.

Parapsychological Association - Member of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.

Psi Explorer - A multimedia site that explores all aspects of scientific parapsychology.

Psychical Research Foundation - Scientifically studies death survival, mediums, reincarnation memories, transpersonal consciousness, ESP, hauntings and poltergeists.

Remote Viewing - A "psychic" technique previously studied by the US military for espionage purposes.

Remote Viewing Discussion Group - A public internet discussion forum on remote viewing.

Science of the Subjective - Paper by Robert Jahn and Brenda Dunne of PEAR.

Sean Harribance Institute for Parapsychology Research - Papers - Parapsychology papers based on studies of the psychic Sean Harribance.

UFOmind Parapsychology index - "This section is concerned with the collection of empirical evidence for psychic claims with the aim of proving them true or false. The focus is on topics for which a rigorous scientific methodology seems possible."

A.R.E.®- E.S.P.: Extra Sensory Perception - Basic info on ESP from the Cayce Reading including Realaudio clips as well as an ESP tester for you to try.

Are You Psychic? - Take a psychic test alone or with your friends playing this new, easy, number guessing game! Psychicgame displays a psychicgraph of players' psychic progress. For MS Windows 95, 98, 2000.

Close Encounters with ESP

ESP - ESP can enhance the power of your unconscious mind .

Esp self test - Test yourself for esp with easy instructions and symbols that can be downloaded and printed to make test cards.

Extra Sensory Perception-- Do you have ESP? - Find out if you have ESP with this simple game.

Extrasensory Perception - A great overview of ESP and psychic ability.

Extrasensory Perceptions, ESP, Test - Testing ESP ability must be done many times, one time result does not tell anything. Test your ESP with mathematical perfection with Extrasensory Perception 0100 for Windows 95/98/2000.

F.A.Q. - Frequently asked questions about remote viewing.

Home of ESP - Embodiment of Science and Paranormal (ESP) combines the elements of science and spirituality. ESP applies this to paranormal investigations, educational programs, nd psychical research. Site also includes ghost photos and articles.

How to develop and use telepathy - Read this article how to develop and use telepathy.

How to Develop Psychic Power - Learn how to develop psychic power on this page. With regular practice, anyone can develop or enhance their intuition.

Interview with Joseph B. Mullen - Joseph B. Mullen is the author of Psychic Secrets: Your Guide to Dreams, Hunches, and Spirit Contact (an ESP development guide reminiscent of "The Celestine Prophecy."

Make ESP Part of Your Life - Psychic experiments to transform the inner self

Online ESP Ability Test! - Half of all Americans say they believe in ESP, and another one fourth aren't sure if they believe or not. Are there indeed any people who can read minds, see through walls, or foretell the future? Are you one of them?

Practices to Expand Perception - Using our 6th sense for a fuller and richer experience of life. Some exercises included.

Psi Explorer - A multimedia site that explores all aspects of scientific parapsychology.

The Psychic Schoolhouse Free ESP Lessons - Author Joseph B. Mullen provides free ESP lessons online, such as using fortune-telling methods to tap into one's own psychic ability.

Psychical tester and extrasensory perception tester - Download free personality test, extrasensory perception (ESP) test, and other educational software programs.

Sidereal Effects - Study by Spottisewood shows that ESP effects have a 400% larger effect size at a certain time every sidereal day.

Test your esp - A program for testing ESP capabilities.

Transcommunication Video & Audio (ITC & EVP)Ghost/Spirit pictures - A recording technique used to research paranormal(spirit/ghost)images and voices which opens possibilities of communicating with the beyondD.

Universal Research on Mental Telepathy - Research on mental telepathy for women.

Remote Viewing

Academy of Remote Viewing - New information regarding remote viewing techniques used by intelligence agencies. Learn to create your future, remote influence, and read minds and events. Course teaches you powerful Remote Viewing Techniques.

ARV Remote Viewing Target photos. - ARV Associative Remote Viewing Targets - photographs.

Associate Remote Viewing Tasking program - Associate Remote Viewing Tasking program - A Remote Viewing methodology for knowing the future.

Associative Remote Viewing - Using Associative Remote Viewing to predict the future

Defense Intelligence Agency Coordinate Remote Viewing Manual - The original Defense Intelligence Agency and Army CRV manual outlining the breakthrough remote viewing techniques developed by Ingo Swann.

International Remote Viewing Association - The International Remote Viewing Association (IRVA)promotes the topic of remote viewing in an accurate and scientific way to the public and the media. IRVA holds yearly conferences and links to a self-test website where individuals can test their remote viewing abilities.

PSI TECH Technical Remote Viewing Training by Major Ed Dames - As Operations and Training Officer for the military’s psychic intelligence unit, Major Dames was intimately involved in the development and use of this remarkable technology to support critical classified military operations.

Remote Viewing Consulting - Remote Viewing Consulting was established to promote a scientific understanding of human consciousness, with a special emphasis on remote viewing, and to further scientific research into its nature. Remote Viewing Consulting conducts scientific research, carries out applications projects and holds training courses.

Remote Viewing Instructional Services, Inc. - A professional team of remote viewers, all veterans of the government's Star Gate program, providing educational and commercial remote viewing services.

The Remote Viewing Site - A site dedicated to knowledge of remote viewing, a declassified "psychic" spying technique previously used by the U.S.Military. Has articles, history, stunning examples and online training.

Remote viewing systems - Discover the real paranormal, the art of remote viewing, a declassified psychic technique originally used by the United States Military for espionage purposes. Examples, resources, on-line training.

Remote Viewing: Viewpoints on Video - Video on psychic exploration under scientific controls. Employed by Govt. project STARGATE, two professional remote viewers discuss the myths and realities of remote viewing.

Stargate - a remote viewing resource site, with info, downloads, and links.

Target Junkies On Line Remote Viewing Exercises - Suitable for experienced & novice remote viewers, this regularly updated site hosts on line remote viewing exercises, with support on line & via the mailing list & members area.

Remote Viewing Conference - Information and registration instructions for the Year2000 Remote Viewing Conference at the Oasis Resort in Mesquite, NV


EEL'S Electromagnetic Psychokinesis Information Site - Information on electrical phenomena, such as SLI (Street Lamp Interference) and electromagnetic psychokinesis, mostly from personal experience.

High Strangeness: Remote Tampering - Tentative results from declassified CIA program, suggesting that not only is ESP possible over great distances, but so is psychokinesis.

Online psychokinesis experiment - Participate in an psychokinesis experiment; find information about paranormal phenomena, parapsychology, research and psychokinesis; find subject related links.

Proving the Power of the Mind - By Craig Miller. Multi-paged article covering all aspects of this subject.

Psi Explorer: Psychokinesis (PK) - Article on testing for psychokinensis

Psychic Powers Website - Information about psychokinesis along with a variety of tests.

Psychical Explorers - Official site, with info on paranormal subjects, up-to-date organization news, personal journals, and current projects.

Psychokinesis (PK) - History and 20th century research

The RetroPsychoKinesis Project - scientific information and an on-line experiment you can try for a form of time-reversed micro-psychokinesis (mind over matter effect). The results thus far are highly suggestive.

Skeptic's Dictionary: telekinesis and psychokinesis - Definitions and readers comments.

Speculations About PK - "Evidence that intention or purpose plays an important, perhaps a dominant role in the way the universe runs has been piling up to such an extent that I feel relatively safe in climbing out on a limb with a few speculations."

Telekinesis - How to work with telekinesis from the Crystalinks site

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